ISIS Behead And Bury 21 Christians in Libya - AllChurchPastors

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ISIS Behead And Bury 21 Christians in Libya


Decomposed bodies of not less than 21 Coptic Christians believed to have been beheaded by the dreaded Islamic terrorist group, The Islamic State of Iraq (ISIS), have been found in a mass grave in Libya, according to the country’s interior ministry. Authorities found out about the mass grave after ISIS prisoners confessed to the killings.

According to a report by the Agence French Presse, the men had been killed more than two years ago on a beach near Tripoli the Libyan capital. Recall that in February 2015, ISIS posted a video on the internet of the beheadings.

The kidnapping

ISIS fighters had kidnapped the Christians in separate incidents in Libya between December 2014 and January 2015.

“The heads are separated from the bodies clad in orange jumpsuits, hands bound behind the back with plastic wire,” said the Libya’s interior ministry, a unit of the government for fighting organized crime in the city of Misurata.

Twenty of the bodies were determined to be of Egyptian Coptic Christians, while one body was found to be of an unknown African nationality. Egyptian officials have been notified of the finding of the remains, which will be returned to Egypt.

READ: Egyptian Muslim mob attacks Christians, Church because of a mere Facebook + History of Coptic Christians

Earlier this year, International Christian Concern reported that the relatives of those who were killed were proud that their family members stood up to ISIS in the name of Christ.

“His faith was very strong,” One Egyptian Coptic wife said. “I’m proud of him. He has lifted our heads up and honored us and all the Christians.”

Meanwhile, what remains of the murdered Christians have been transferred to Misurata for further forensic examination.

 Libyan Muslim population

In Libya, Islam is the predominant religion with over 97% of the population associating with the faith and the vast majority of Libyan Muslims adhere to Sunni form of Islam.

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Decomposed bodies of not less than 21 Coptic Christians believed to have been beheaded by the dreaded Islamic terrorist group, The Islamic State of Iraq (ISIS), have been found in a mass grave in Libya, according to the country’s interior mini...

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